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Lia Saniah
Wati Irnawati
Mathematics education courses are still perceived by some students as difficult and unpleasant subjects. Because of that, many students had surrendered before the war. Therefore, the general purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the management of e-learning media in order to improve the quality of mathematics learning in private universities. In addition, this study specifically aims to describe and analyze: 1) e-learning media planning; 2) Organizing e-learning media; 3) Implementation of e-learning media; 4) Evaluation of e-learning media; 5) The problem of e-learning media; 6) Solutions for e-learning media problems; 7) The impact of e-learning media. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out through interviews, observations, and document studies. Management theory uses George R. Terry (1992), Edgar Dale's media theory (1969), Edward Sallis' quality theory (2006), and Cronbach's learning theory (Suprijono, 2009). The results of the study are as follows: 1) The planning of e-learning media has been running according to the planning principles although it is not yet complete; 2) The organization of e-learning media has been effective in accordance with the main tasks and functions of work units in the university environment, although it is not yet fully flexible; 3) The implementation of e-learning media, in principle, the two study programs have carried out according to the plan, although there are still some implementations that have not been in accordance with the predetermined plan; 4) Evaluation of e-learning media, in principle, both study programs evaluate programs based on Dikti standards by conducting a cycle (PPEPP); 5) The problem of e-learning media, in principle, the two study programs are not that serious, only technical problems such as the unstable internet network in certain areas; 6) The solution to the problem of e-learning media, in principle, both study programs have the same policy to solve the same problem related to the use of e-learning media, namely on human resources, infrastructure and e-learning facilities; 7) The impact of using e-learning media is that in principle the two study programs have similarities in increasing student learning outcomes and students giving a positive appreciation for learning mathematics. Management of e-learning media to improve the quality of mathematics learning at private universities has been oriented to the principles of learning to use e-learning media.
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