Main Article Content
Etty Uyun
Henry Aspan
The legal basis for the company's obligation to provide compensation to PKWT workers lies in government regulation number 35 of 2021, the Job Creation Law as an implementing regulation. The service period for PKWT employees who will be extended can be compensated according to existing regulations after the PKWT period of at least one year ends. This article aims to determine the implementation of PKWT compensation by companies to their employees as regulated in statutory regulations. The research method that the author uses is empirical which is carried out using data collection methods through interview techniques with sources and distributing questionnaires. This article has been prepared systematically in accordance with the results and discussion of the author's research. The results of this research are PT. Socfindo Perk.Tanah Gambus has tried to implement regulations regarding compensation but they have not been fully implemented.
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Bhat, R. M., & Rajeshwari, R. (2022). Social Status of Women in Early Kashmir. Journal homepage: www. ijrpr. com ISSN, 2582(7421), 26-31.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). An Analytical Study of the Kushan Rule in Kashmir. Journal of Psychology and Political Science (JPPS) ISSN 2799-1024, 2(04), 9-14.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). A Historical Study of Prostitution. Journal of Media, Culture and Communication (JMCC) ISSN: 2799-1245, 2(04), 1-6.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Women Exploitation in the Contemporary India: Importance of Media to Impede it. Journal of Women Empowerment and Studies (JWES) ISSN: 2799-1253, 2(02), 27-30.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Dr. BR Ambedkar’s Views on Religion and Conversion to Buddhism: An Analytical Study. Journal of Legal Subjects (JLS) ISSN, 25-31.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Ghandian Phase: Mahila-Samitis and the Role of Women in the Indian National Movement. Journal of Women Empowerment and Studies (JWES) ISSN: 2799-1253, 2(01), 26-29.
Bhat, R. M. (2021). Reign of Utpala Dyansty with Special Reference to Avantiverman (855-883 AD): His Irrigation Works and Agricultural Development-A Historical Study. International Journal of Agriculture and Animal Production (IJAAP) ISSN 2799-0907, 1(02), 10-16.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). CULTURAL HERITAGE OF EARLY KASHMIR-A STUDY. International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS), 2(4), 571-576.
Bhat, R. M. (2019). Ghadar Movement: Har Dayal and His Ideological Formulations. Think India Journal, 22(14), 2353-2363.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Legacy of Buddhism in Kashmir. Journal of Psychology and Political Science (JPPS) ISSN 2799-1024, 2(03), 23-30.
Bhat, R. M. (2018). Shawl Industry in Kashmir from 1846-1907 with Special Reference to the Dogra Rule. In Source: Proceedings of the South Indian History Congress (Vol. 38, pp. 554-557).
Bhat, R. M. (2023). THE GHADAR MOVEMENT: IGNITING THE FLAME OF FREEDOM IN INDIA. International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS), 3(4), 1123-1131.
Bhat, R. M., Rajan, P., & Gamage, L. (2023). Redressing Historical Bias: Exploring the Path to an Accurate Representation of the Past. Journal of Social Science, 4(3), 698-705.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Queen Yasovati: A Descriptive Study on her Leadership in the Kingdom of Kashmir. Journal of Psychology and Political Science (JPPS) ISSN 2799-1024, 2(05), 11-17.
Bhat, R. M., & Rajeshwari, R. (2022, December). DIASPORIC CULTURE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS-A HISTORICAL STUDY. In International Conference on Health Science, Green Economics, Educational Review and Technology (Vol. 4, pp. 41-46).
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Historical Review of Indian Constitution. TRADITIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 1(02), 100-110.
Bhat, R. M., Silllalee, A., & Kandasamy, L. S. (2023). Concepts and Contexts: The Interplay of Philosophy and History in Understanding Human Society. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(6), 2581-2590.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Legacy of Buddhism in Kashmir. Journal of Psychology and Political Science (JPPS) ISSN 2799-1024, 2(03), 23-30.
Bhat, R. M., & Rajeshwari, R. (2022). Social Status of Women in Early Kashmir. Journal homepage: www. ijrpr. com ISSN, 2582(7421), 26-31.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). An Analytical Study of the Kushan Rule in Kashmir. Journal of Psychology and Political Science (JPPS) ISSN 2799-1024, 2(04), 9-14.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). A Historical Study of Prostitution. Journal of Media, Culture and Communication (JMCC) ISSN: 2799-1245, 2(04), 1-6.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Women Exploitation in the Contemporary India: Importance of Media to Impede it. Journal of Women Empowerment and Studies (JWES) ISSN: 2799-1253, 2(02), 27-30.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Dr. BR Ambedkar’s Views on Religion and Conversion to Buddhism: An Analytical Study. Journal of Legal Subjects (JLS) ISSN, 25-31.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Ghandian Phase: Mahila-Samitis and the Role of Women in the Indian National Movement. Journal of Women Empowerment and Studies (JWES) ISSN: 2799-1253, 2(01), 26-29.
Bhat, R. M. (2021). Reign of Utpala Dyansty with Special Reference to Avantiverman (855-883 AD): His Irrigation Works and Agricultural Development-A Historical Study. International Journal of Agriculture and Animal Production (IJAAP) ISSN 2799-0907, 1(02), 10-16.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). CULTURAL HERITAGE OF EARLY KASHMIR-A STUDY. International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS), 2(4), 571-576.
Bhat, R. M. (2019). Ghadar Movement: Har Dayal and His Ideological Formulations. Think India Journal, 22(14), 2353-2363.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Legacy of Buddhism in Kashmir. Journal of Psychology and Political Science (JPPS) ISSN 2799-1024, 2(03), 23-30.
Bhat, R. M. (2018). Shawl Industry in Kashmir from 1846-1907 with Special Reference to the Dogra Rule. In Source: Proceedings of the South Indian History Congress (Vol. 38, pp. 554-557).
Bhat, R. M. (2023). THE GHADAR MOVEMENT: IGNITING THE FLAME OF FREEDOM IN INDIA. International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS), 3(4), 1123-1131.
Bhat, R. M., Rajan, P., & Gamage, L. (2023). Redressing Historical Bias: Exploring the Path to an Accurate Representation of the Past. Journal of Social Science, 4(3), 698-705.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Queen Yasovati: A Descriptive Study on her Leadership in the Kingdom of Kashmir. Journal of Psychology and Political Science (JPPS) ISSN 2799-1024, 2(05), 11-17.
Bhat, R. M., & Rajeshwari, R. (2022, December). DIASPORIC CULTURE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS-A HISTORICAL STUDY. In International Conference on Health Science, Green Economics, Educational Review and Technology (Vol. 4, pp. 41-46).
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Historical Review of Indian Constitution. TRADITIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 1(02), 100-110.
Bhat, R. M., Silllalee, A., & Kandasamy, L. S. (2023). Concepts and Contexts: The Interplay of Philosophy and History in Understanding Human Society. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(6), 2581-2590.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Legacy of Buddhism in Kashmir. Journal of Psychology and Political Science (JPPS) ISSN 2799-1024, 2(03), 23-30.
Bhat, R. M., Silllalee, A., Kandasamy, L. S., Gamage, L., & Rajan, P. (2023). Exploring Bilhana's Contributions to Indian Historiography. Journal of Educational Management and Social Sciences, 4(1), 16-23.
Bhat, R. M., Silllalee, A., & Kandasamy, L. S. (2023). Revolutionary Trends in Indian History: Ideological Diversity and Collective Resistance. Journal of Social Science (JoSS), 2(7), 614-622.
Bhat, R. M., & Gamage, L. (2023). EXPLORING WIDOW REMARRIAGE: A STUDY OF VEDIC INDIA. Journal of Accounting Research, Utility Finance and Digital Assets, 1(4), 595-601.
Bhat, R. M., & Rajeshwari, R. (2023). Society In Early Medieval Kashmir: A Study Of Attire And Adornment. Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture, 34, 7322-7333.
Bhat, R. M., & Rajeshwari, R. (2022). Social Status of Women in Early Kashmir. Journal homepage: www. ijrpr. com ISSN, 2582(7421), 26-31.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). An Analytical Study of the Kushan Rule in Kashmir. Journal of Psychology and Political Science (JPPS) ISSN 2799-1024, 2(04), 9-14.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). A Historical Study of Prostitution. Journal of Media, Culture and Communication (JMCC) ISSN: 2799-1245, 2(04), 1-6.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Women Exploitation in the Contemporary India: Importance of Media to Impede it. Journal of Women Empowerment and Studies (JWES) ISSN: 2799-1253, 2(02), 27-30.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Dr. BR Ambedkar’s Views on Religion and Conversion to Buddhism: An Analytical Study. Journal of Legal Subjects (JLS) ISSN, 25-31.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Ghandian Phase: Mahila-Samitis and the Role of Women in the Indian National Movement. Journal of Women Empowerment and Studies (JWES) ISSN: 2799-1253, 2(01), 26-29.
Bhat, R. M. (2021). Reign of Utpala Dyansty with Special Reference to Avantiverman (855-883 AD): His Irrigation Works and Agricultural Development-A Historical Study. International Journal of Agriculture and Animal Production (IJAAP) ISSN 2799-0907, 1(02), 10-16.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). CULTURAL HERITAGE OF EARLY KASHMIR-A STUDY. International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS), 2(4), 571-576.
Bhat, R. M. (2019). Ghadar Movement: Har Dayal and His Ideological Formulations. Think India Journal, 22(14), 2353-2363.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Legacy of Buddhism in Kashmir. Journal of Psychology and Political Science (JPPS) ISSN 2799-1024, 2(03), 23-30.
Bhat, R. M. (2018). Shawl Industry in Kashmir from 1846-1907 with Special Reference to the Dogra Rule. In Source: Proceedings of the South Indian History Congress (Vol. 38, pp. 554-557).
Bhat, R. M. (2023). THE GHADAR MOVEMENT: IGNITING THE FLAME OF FREEDOM IN INDIA. International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS), 3(4), 1123-1131.
Bhat, R. M., Rajan, P., & Gamage, L. (2023). Redressing Historical Bias: Exploring the Path to an Accurate Representation of the Past. Journal of Social Science, 4(3), 698-705.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Queen Yasovati: A Descriptive Study on her Leadership in the Kingdom of Kashmir. Journal of Psychology and Political Science (JPPS) ISSN 2799-1024, 2(05), 11-17.
Bhat, R. M., & Rajeshwari, R. (2022, December). DIASPORIC CULTURE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS-A HISTORICAL STUDY. In International Conference on Health Science, Green Economics, Educational Review and Technology (Vol. 4, pp. 41-46).
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Historical Review of Indian Constitution. TRADITIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 1(02), 100-110.
Bhat, R. M., Silllalee, A., & Kandasamy, L. S. (2023). Concepts and Contexts: The Interplay of Philosophy and History in Understanding Human Society. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(6), 2581-2590.
Bhat, R. M. (2022). Legacy of Buddhism in Kashmir. Journal of Psychology and Political Science (JPPS) ISSN 2799-1024, 2(03), 23-30.
Bhat, R. M., Silllalee, A., Kandasamy, L. S., Gamage, L., & Rajan, P. (2023). Exploring Bilhana's Contributions to Indian Historiography. Journal of Educational Management and Social Sciences, 4(1), 16-23.
Bhat, R. M., Silllalee, A., & Kandasamy, L. S. (2023). Revolutionary Trends in Indian History: Ideological Diversity and Collective Resistance. Journal of Social Science (JoSS), 2(7), 614-622.
Bhat, R. M., & Gamage, L. (2023). EXPLORING WIDOW REMARRIAGE: A STUDY OF VEDIC INDIA. Journal of Accounting Research, Utility Finance and Digital Assets, 1(4), 595-601.
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Stephen Martin, & Bob Feinberg. (2023). THE EFFECT OF WORK DISCIPLINE ON MEDICAL MEDICAL EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE WITH WORK COMMUNICATION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE (Case Study of Serdang Bedagai Hospital Centre Sultan Sulaiman Hospital). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 4(1), 22–30. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v4i1.69
Maurizio Zanardi, & Jprge O.Brusa. (2023). THE EFFECT OF WORK ENVIRONMENT AND INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS ON MEDICAL MEDICAL EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT PT SARI TANI SUMATRA. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 4(1), 15–21. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v4i1.68
Faisal Abass Padder, & Asif Bashir. (2023). SCARCITY OF WATER IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY: PROBLEMS AND POTENTIAL REMEDIES. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 4(1), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v4i1.66
Awan Pelawi, Bambang Kustoyo, Sabrina Suci Zasneda, Sihat Manisia Siboro, & Rian riko siringoringo. (2022). RADIOGRAPHY TECHNIQUE OF OSSA PELVIS WITH SUSPECTED FRACTURE OF RAMUS PUBIS AT EFARINA ETAHAM HOSPITAL, BERASTAGI KARO DISTRICT 2021. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(4), 155–170. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i4.72
Shofian Syarifuddin, & Wilson Samosir. (2022). CHARACTERISTICS OF TYPES OF DIABETES MELLITUS II IN REGIONAL GENERAL HOSPITAL THAN RONDAHAIM, SIMALUNGUN DISTRICT. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(4), 144–148. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i4.64
Mustaruddin, & Beta Hanindiya. (2022). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PARENTING PATTERN AND STUDENT LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT IN PERGETTENG GETTENG SENGKUT VOCATIONAL SCHOOL (PGGS) . MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(4), 124–128. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i4.61
Mohsen Bahmani-OSKooee, & Bob Feinberg. (2022). THE EFFECT OF WORK DISCIPLINE ON EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION WITH INCENTIVES AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE (Case Study on Medical doctor and Nurses in Wisconsin City Area). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(4), 149–154. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i4.65
Weihuan Zhau, & Malvina Marchase. (2022). THE EFFECT OF PRODUCT QUALITY ON CONSUMER PURCHASE INTEREST WITH CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE IN AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL AND HEALTH CARE STORE. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(4), 129–135. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i4.62
Mark G. Maffett, & Jorge O. Brusa. (2022). THE EFFECT OF ONLINE ADVERTISING ON CONSUMER BUYING INTEREST IN ONLINE SELLING APPLICATIONS WITH CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE (Case Study of Medical Doctor and Nurses in Chicago). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(4), 136–143. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i4.63
Jorge O.Brusa, & Mohsen Bahmani- OSkooee. (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF LOCATION ACCESSIBILITY ON COMMUNITY SATISFACTION WITH THE QUALITY OF TEXAS DISTRICT PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES AS INTERVENING VARIABLES. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(3), 117–123. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i3.49
Arsiaty, & Yulia Delfahedah. (2022). THE RELATIONSHIP OF KNOWLEDGE ATTITUDE AND DIETARY COMPLIANCE WITH BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS IN DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENTS IN THE INTERNAL DISEASE CLINIC OF VITA. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(3), 101–105. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i3.46
Arnaud Costinot, & Alexander. (2022). THE EFFECT OF EMPLOYEE STATUS ON EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION WITH INCENTIVES AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE (Case Study on Employees of Russian Medical Doctor and Nurses). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(3), 111–116. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i3.48
Muharti Sanjaya, & Dilla Sastia Mara. (2022). THE ROLE OF THE FAMILY IN SUPPORTING THE CURE PROCESS OF PULMONARY TB PATIENTS AT THE PAMATANG RAYA HEALTH CENTER SIMALUNGUN DISTRICT. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(3), 106–110. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i3.47
Ian Wooton, & Zhenyu Cui. (2022). THE EFFECT OF ONLINE ADVERTISING ON CONSUMER BUYING INTEREST IN ONLINE SELLING APPLICATIONS WITH CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE (Study From Member of United Kingdom Medical Doctor Department). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(3), 82–100. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i3.21
Bob Feinberg, & Maurizio Zanardi. (2022). ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF OPERATIONAL COSTS ON INCREASING THE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF AMERICAN PUBLIC HELATH CORPORATION. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(2), 44–57. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i2.18
Shofian Syarifuddin, & Wilson Samosir. (2022). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HEALTH BEHAVIORS AND INCIDENT OF DENGUE FEVER AND DHF IN THEWORKING AREA OF SINGOSARI PEMATANG SIANTAR HEALTH CENTER. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(2), 38–43. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i2.17
Malvina Marchese, & Alexander. (2022). THE EFFECT OF PRODUCT QUALITY ON CONSUMER BUYING INTEREST WITH CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AS A VARIABLE INTERVENING ON THE MARKET SHARE OF LONDON PUBLIC HEALTHY CARE PRODUCT. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(2), 63–81. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i2.20
Yulia Delfahedah, & Arsiaty. (2022). THE RELATIONSHIP OF PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES TO PATIENT SATISFACTION AT THE PUSKESMAS TRADING BANDAR DISTRICT SIMALUNGUN DISTRICT . MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(2), 58–62. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i2.19
John Zysman, & Arnaud Costinot. (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF WORK DISCIPLINE AND WORKLOAD ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE (Study on Community Empowerment for Helath Service Employees At California District). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(1), 19–32. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i1.15
Ismi Noer Fadilah, & Hendri Kurniawan. (2022). EVALUATION OF USE OF DIARRHEA DRUG IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS AT DOLAT RAYAT HEALTH CENTER KARO DISTRICT . MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(1), 15–18. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i1.22
Dilla Sastia Mara, & Muharti Sanjaya. (2022). DESCRIPTION OF THE USE OF ANTIBIOTICS WITH PRESCRIPTION AND WITHOUT DOCTOR’S PRESCRIPTION IN ESTER FARMA PHARMACY DELI SERDANG DISTRICT. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 3(1), 11–14. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v3i1.13
Bambang Kustoyo, Veryyon Harahap, Awan Pelawi, Sabrina Suci Zasneda, Sihat Manisia Siboro, & Dea Rahmayani Barus. (2021). RADIOGRAPHY TECHNIQUE OF OSSA MANUS WITH SUSPECTED FRACTURE OF PROXIMAL PHALANG DIGITI 4 AND 5 SINISTRA IN RADIOLOGY INSTALLATION OF EFARINA HOSPITAL Pangkalan KERINCI, 2020. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 2(4), 175–187. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v2i4.74
Sihat Manisia Siboro, Saufa Taslima, Juni Sinarinta Purba, Awan Pelawi, Bambang Kustoyo, & Dea Rahmayani Barus. (2021). RADIOGRAPHY TECHNIQUE OF OS FEMUR DEXTRA IN CASE OF 1/3 DISTAL FRACTURE AT RADIOLOGY INSTALLATION OF EFARINA ETAHAM BERASTAGI HOSPITAL IN 2021. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 2(4), 169–174. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v2i4.73
Richard Frimpong Oppong, & Weihuan Zhou. (2021). THE INFLUENCE OF INFLATION ON THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE OPEN IN MEDICAL FIELD OF UNITED STATES IN 2018. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 2(4), 130–144. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v2i4.38
Doortua, Sri Wahyuni, Maswan, Renta Manurung, Putri, & Afni Fazira. (2021). CHARACTERISTICS OF WOMEN WHO EXPERIENCE ANTEPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE AND POSPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE AT EFARINA ETAHAM HOSPITAL BERASTAGI KARO. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 2(4), 157–161. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v2i4.41
Ismi Noer Fadilah, & Hendri Kurniawan. (2021). DESCRIPTION OF THE KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE OF THE OK ROOM NURSE IN GIVING EARLY BREASTFEEDING INITIATION (IMD) AT TIARA HOSPITAL PEMATANG SIANTAR CITY . MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 2(4), 153–156. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v2i4.40
Zhenyu Cui, & John Zysman. (2021). THE EFFECT OF COMPENSATION ON MEDICAL DOCTOR AND NURSE WITH WORK DISCIPLINE AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE (CASE STUDY OF MEDICAL DOCTOR AND NURSE IN UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 2(4), 162–168. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v2i4.42
Arnaud Costinot, & Stephen Martin. (2021). PRICE EFFECT ON CONSUMER BUYING INTEREST WITH CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AS INTERVENING VARIABLES (Case Study of Community Users of Health Facilities in the United States). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 2(3), 86–108. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v2i3.33
Doortua, Jeni Raulina Br Siregar, & Minda Rahel Simatupang. (2021). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MOTHER’S KNOWLEDGE ABOUT CLEAN AND HEALTHY BEHAVIOR (PHBS) AND DIARRHEA IN CHILDREN AGED 0-3 YEARS AT THE AEK NAULI HEALTH CENTER IN PEMATANGSIANTAR . MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 2(2), 48–52. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v2i2.24
Stephen Martinr, & Martin Uribe. (2021). THE INFLUENCE OF REWARD SYSTEM ON EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION WITH WORK MOTIVATION AS INTERVENING VARIABLES (Case Study on Employees of Medical Department United States). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 2(2), 53–71. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v2i2.25
Andres Rodriguez-Clare, & Jonathan Dingel. (2021). THE EFFECT OF COMPENSATION, LEADERSHIP STYLE AND WORK DISCIPLINE ON THE PERFORMANCE OF HOSPITAL EMPLOYEE IN UNITED STATES. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 2(1), 33–47. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v2i1.23
Riada Mareny. (2021). FACTORS AFFECTING MOTHERS ON BASIC IMMUNIZATION STATUS IN INFANTS AGED 12-24 MONTHS IN BARINGIN RAYA VILLAGE WORKING AREA OF PAMATANG RAYA PUSKESMAS DISTRICT. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 2(1), 19–27. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v2i1.6
Yulia Delfahedah, & Arsiaty. (2020). STUDY OF PRESCRIPTION PROFILE OF PATIENTS WITH BRONCHIAL ASTHMA AT PARSOBURAN COMMUNITY HEALTH CITY PEMATANGSIANTAR PERIOD JANUARY-MARCH 2017. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(4), 141–146. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i4.59
Hendri Kurniawan, & Ismi Noer Fadilah. (2020). COST EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS OF HYPERTENSION AND DIABETES MELLITUS TREATMENT AT EFARINA ATAHAM HOSPITAL PANGKALAN KERINCI. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(4), 135–140. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i4.58
John Zysman, & Alexander. (2020). THE EFFECT OF WORK DISCIPLINE ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE WITH INCENTIVES AS INTERVENING VARIABLES (Case Study of Medical Doctor and Nurses in California District). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(4), 147–155. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i4.60
Maurizio Zanardi, & Weihuan Zhau. (2020). THE EFFECT OF WORK ENVIRONMENT ON EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION WITH WORK COMMUNICATION AS INTERVENING VARIABLES (Case Study on Civil Servants in Australian Medical and Health Department). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(4), 121–126. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i4.56
Richard Frimpong Oppong, & Ian Wooton. (2020). THE INFLUENCE OF WORK DISCIPLINE ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE WITH WORK MOTIVATION AS INTERVENING VARIABLES (Case Study on Medical Doctor and Nurses in Canada) . MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(4), 127–134. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i4.57
Bob Feinberg, & Ian Wooton. (2020). THE EFFECT OF PRICE ON PURCHASE DECISION WITH SERVICE QUALITY AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE (CASE STUDY ON AMERICAN MEDICAL HEALTH AND SHOP STORE). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(3), 114–120. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i3.55
Dilla Sastia Mara, & Muharti Sanjaya. (2020). RATIONALIZATION OF ANTIBIOTIC USE PATTERNS IN UNDER-FREE PATIENTS WITH FEVER AND COUGH IN OUTPATIENT IN TUAN RONDAHAIM HOSPITAL, PEMATANG RAYA, SIMALUNGUN DISTRICT PERIOD JANUARY – MARCH. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(3), 103–107. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i3.53
Wilson Samosir, & Shofian Syarifuddin. (2020). ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECT OF LEAF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF CAT’S KUMIZE (ORTHOSIPHON STAMINEUS BENTH) IN MALE WHITE RATS OF WISTAR STRAINS. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(3), 108–113. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i3.54
Maurizio Zanardi, & Stephen Martin. (2020). THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL SECURITY ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE WITH WORK MOTIVATION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE (Case Study on Employees of United Kongdom Medical Dcotor and Nurses). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(3), 90–95. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i3.51
Mohsen Bahmani Oskooee, & Ian Wooton. (2020). THE INFLUENCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE WITH COMPENSATION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE (Case Study on Employees of the Residential Area Housing Office And Cleanliness of the City of Wisconsin-milwaukee). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(2), 71–77. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i2.45
Beta Hanindiya, & Mustaruddin. (2020). STUDY OF DRUG THERAPY IN PATIENTS WITH GASTRITIS IN PEMATANG RAYA HEALTH CENTER, SIMALUNGUN REGENCY, APRIL - JUNE 2017 PERIOD. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(2), 78–89. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i2.50
Richard Frimpong Oppong, & Weihuan Zhau. (2020). THE INFLUENCE OF COMPETENCE ON PERFORMANCE WITH MOTIVATION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE ON MEDICAL EMPLOYEES IN AMERICA PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(2), 63–70. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i2.44
Jonathan Dingel, & Mark G Maffet. (2020). THE EFFECT OF JOB DESCRIPTION ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE WITH COMPENSATION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE (Case Study on Nurse and Medical Doctor of Chicago District). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(2), 40–57. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i2.12
Nur Mazdalifah. (2020). SATISFACTION OF PATIENTS USING BPJS ON QUALITY OF SERVICES BAHBIAK COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER, CITY OF MADYA PEMATANGSIANTAR. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(1), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i1.1
Riada Mareny. (2020). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HEALTH BEHAVIOR AND DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER (DHF) IN TUAN RONDAHAIM HOSPITAL, PAMATANG RAYA, 2016. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(1), 12–16. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i1.3
Jorge O Brusa, & Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooe. (2020). THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL SECURITY ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE WITH JOB SATISFACTION AS INTERVENING VARIABLES (Study from Administrative Section of Texas Public Health Facilities). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(1), 23–39. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i1.11
Martin Uribe, & Bob Feinberg. (2023). THE INFLUENCE OF WORK STRESS ON THE ACHIEVEMENT OF WORK TARGETS WITH MOTIVATION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE (Case Study of New York Medical Doctor and Chemical Assitant Laboratory). MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 1(3), 96–102. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v1i3.52
September, vol 4 no 3 (2023)
Musaib Gul. (2023). EMPOWERED TO LEAD: ELEVATING BSC NURSING PRACTICE THROUGH LEADERSHIP SKILLS. MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and Midwife Participation, 4(3), 94–99. https://doi.org/10.59733/medalion.v4i3.80
Sarita Ardila, Abdu